Scientific editing and translation

Work Request

Updated on February 2025: ELSS is extremely busy now. For all editing work, reservations well in advance are highly recommended. ➨Reservation form
marks required fields.

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Work Request

Please read this page before proceeding to the Work Request form.

This page summarizes important points about ELSS editing and translation. We hope that your awareness of these points will facilitate prompt initiation of the service you request and avoid delays. If you are already familiar with the points summarized here, then you can skip this page andproceed to the Work Request form.

To deliver the highest practical standard of editing and translation, before work can begin on each request, ELSS must achieve a shared understanding with the client about the context and every relevant detail, and receive complete materials. If you reserve service in advance, we can check many details in advance, reserve the optimal editors or translators for your document, and get the work started more quickly.

Please note the following important points:

ELSS always delivers completed work before the end of the number of business days for the speed of service that you select provided that 1) all context and details about your request are clear, 2) all relevant materials have been received, and 3) our editors or translators are available, and 4) the number of words or characters do not exceed the maximum for the speed of service.
  • 1. Clear details Our editors and translators need to understand the current status of your document. For example, we handle editing requests for documents for which ELSS has edited earlier version(s) in a special manner: Click here for details. For editing or translation of parts of a document, the parts to be included or excluded from the work must be clearly indicated (highlight or text color). Please be available on the day you submit your Work Request form and the following business day to answer any ELSS questions.
  • 2. Complete documents and related materials Even if you are ordering editing or translation for only part of a document, please submit all relevant materials, including all figures, tables, reference lists, supplementary data, and any other accessories to the text. If your document has been reviewed by a journal, the journal editor’s decision and the reviews may help our editors to better understand the context.
  • 3. Editors or translators available Unless you have reserved in advance, ELSS will check editor or translator availability as soon as the details of each project are clear and the materials complete, but our team works in many time zones and availability might not be clear for a day or more.
  • 4. Delivery deadline For documents that exceed the page limit for your speed of service, we will add a day(s) to extend the delivery deadline. You can calculate such extensions, if any, here or ask us to check.

Other important points to consider

  • File name Please use only letters and numbers in the names of files to be uploaded. Do not use symbols other than the period.
  • Limited number and total size of files uploaded In the Work Request and Reserved File Upload forms, up to 25 files totaling no more than 20 MB can be uploaded. If you need to send more, then please contact ELSS for alternate arrangements.
  • Tables If table contents are to be edited, then provide themin editable form(preferably using Microsoft Word’s table function), not as image objects.
  • Tracked changes and comments by the author may be accepted and comments deleted before editing, unless you instruct us otherwise.
  • Style and format of a document Although ELSS tries to preserve the author’s format, ELSS is not responsible for preservation of complex formats like double columns or the journal’s template when these hinder our work, for example by obscuring content.
  • LaTeX We prefer to work on Microsoft Word docx files. LaTeX lacks change tracking and commenting features, which hinders editing. If you need your journal submission to be in LaTeX format, then we recommend that you format in LaTeX only after dealing with revisions and feedback from ELSS editors. If you insist that we edit your LaTeX formatted document, then please prepare an MS-Word version and upload it together with the native LaTeX file and a LaTeX-generated PDF. How ELSS handles LaTeX files

Terms of Service

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Figures and Tables

Please send all figures and tables, even if you exclude them from editing/translation. All figures and tables, including supplementary or supporting materials, will also be handled as specified here. If you have a specific request for some figures and tables, please instruct us in the Remarks field at the bottom of the next page.
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Tables should be editable if editing is required; in this case, please do not send Tables as image objects.

File Upload (working files)

Only up to 15 files and 20 MB in total can be uploaded. Please submit your entire document, including, figures, tables, reference list, and any other accessories to the text. We may need to contact you to clarify details before we start working on your document if some items/information are missing from your document. In case tracked changes and comments remain in MS-Word files, we will accept all unless you instruct us otherwise. Please avoid using symbols in the file name. Examples of symbols that cannot be used: back slash (\), single and double quotation mark (' or "), exclamation mark (!), asterisk (*), colon (:), and hyphen (-)

File upload is possible for these file types only: docx (highly recommended), ai, avi, bmp, eps, gif, jpeg, jpg, lha, lzh, mcw, mov, mp3, mpg, pdf, png, pptx, psd, qt, rar, tar, tif, tiff, txt, wav, wma, wps, xlsx, zip.
For LaTeX users, please see here how ELSS handles LaTeX files
If these restrictions are difficult, then please contact ELSS by Email or phone for custom arrangements.
This cell must include a file to upload. That file must be in one of the specified file types.

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Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

This cell must include a file to upload. That file must be in one of the specified file types.

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Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

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Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

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FYI File Upload

Up to 10 files, 10 MB in total.
Please upload reference file(s).
- Document(s) of previously submitted version
- Comments from journal editor and reviewers (preferably in English)
- Author’s responses to review comments (preferably in English)
- Other FYI files relevant to your document(s)

File Upload for these file types only: docx (highly recommended), ai, avi, bmp, eps, gif, jpeg, jpg, lha, lzh, mcw, mov, mp3, mpg, pdf, png, pptx, psd, qt, rar, tar, tif, tiff, txt, wav, wma, wps, xlsx, zip.
Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

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Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

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Depending on the size of the files you are submitting, the upload process can take up to several minutes. Please be patient and don't leave this page until you see the confirmation message.
If this page remains more than 5 minutes after you press the submit button, then the upload might have crashed, and you will need to start the process again from page 1.
When the upload has succeeded, you will see the Web Acknowledgement page with the message "Your form was submitted successfully" and an auto-reply message will be sent to the Email address you provided.
If you cannot see any message confirming upload success or the first page of the form is shown after you submit the form, please contact us at